Sunday, August 9, 2009

i found u...

long time no online dy...

emm...recently vy bad luck==

accident, my car become hamburger(just said)==

but considere serious oso la...

cant drive dy lo...

always wan to wait ppl fetch...sien!!!

cant go farther place><''

i miss my klang frenx~~~haih...

my dear go kajang work, have to wait her for 2 month?!!><''

hope i can do it...

cuz, my frenz all said i cant wait her...zzz

watever, life is for wat so...

i dint gv her hope, n i dint hope myself so...

just go thru life...

i try best,don get her hurt

i try watever i nid her now...

altot, i duno wat i nid, who i nid...

just go thru, go with feeling...

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