Tuesday, May 26, 2009

do u noe, i miss u since u appear!?

tomolo will go genting but never felt is a nice journey!?
without angnes, n u bendan...
stupid angnes FFK !
those journey is she plan but at the last she dint go?!
heng la...
who ask her spent money like fall water
without u all, i rili unhapi...
but i will make myself hapi
take the journey with a hapi mood
will take many many zi lian photo...^^
i miss tat day SAFAri crazy nite^^
a leng lui,
but i forget her face,just rmb she is a leng lui
when we drunk, we`re the most high in SAFARI i thk...
we making the situation high...
especially stupid angnes, standing on the bar, dance sexy
wooo wooo...
evybody high man...
we drink alot
we pay, we drink
ppl treat , we drink..
never worry they put something insde...
but nw recall the memory,is quite SCARY
so,tat a damn nice clubing nite kaka...

i just a T
a T that always look for a long relationship but usually it fail...
a T tat nid a lover to care me

i dy full worry with my next love...
i nid safely feeling...
i nid a love that call real love,
i don rili mind distance,
however just a dream...
witout a safely place,safely heart...
wat else for life
step by step...
being hapi cuz of ben dan...
i duno wat im thk...
take it as `secret`
i dunwan hear something tat will make me sad...
can promise?
i duno wat ben dan u`re thking there...
im scare lost someone tat i like...
so,keep it secret......long n long....

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