Monday, June 8, 2009

where should i go now,wat the point for living leaving again,this such kinda things is always happen on me...
so,nth to be say act...
im quite serious to say,i dun nid new frenz...but,im force to be accept...
is wonder to describe...
`frenz` wat can we suppose to be...

is considere to a death situation from now...
but,im keep on climbing...i cant thk anything since tat time,i just noe,
i have to move off ur life...
i dunwan to left any regret...
i try my best always...
but u?
ok fine,u say u have try...
then tat is my problem ba.

older memory,latest sudly appears in my stupid mind...
one year,i have fall down 4 times...
who can stand this?
no more energy to life... selfish...
do anybody noe wat for i like this?
is rili funny to say...
i just nid a ppl rili love me....haha...siao...
harded to going on...
huu....tired dy....
i think im dy habit being alone...
just be back myself....
milo are always stubborn...
i missing her shoulder,
when im cry at the midnight....

tat dream im dreaming but there`s voice inside my head
saying u never reach...
evy move i make feel, lost with no direction !
my faith is shaking,but i gonna keep trying...!\
sometime i gonna have to lost,
those attitude make myself going mad...i hate im stubborn but i cant change my mind...
its something miracle, but the time is always be late...
if the time is turning bck, it will be a good ending...
so so wat....
move on n move off....
life is boring but have to continue oso...
cruel fact....
cruel life so....

`poor letter`

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